Brenda Moron, Week 12 Artist



Brenda Moron was a very interesting artist to interview because you could genuinely see the fondness and love she had for her work. Brenda commutes from Santa Ana, but initially started her career at CalState Fullerton for three years and later transferred to Long Beach her fourth year in order to pursue her Bachelor’s of Fine Arts in wood. Interestingly, she mentioned that she very much prefers Long Beach over Fullerton because she loves the art program. Her interest in wood grew from her love for making and molding things using her hands. She loves every aspect of wood including the smell and texture of it. One of her greatest inspirations is her father due to the fact that all her childhood he was a carpenter who would make furniture out of wood. Because of him she learned to use the basic tools you would need to make a work of art from would.

When she earns her degree, Brenda wants to open up her own furniture store along the way. She wants to be able to sell her work publicly and has already started doing so through One interesting fact about Brenda’s work is she never really names any of her pieces like a painter or other artists do. For this particular gallery, she worked in a group project they had to build something for the campus. This project was to make a bench for a building on campus that did not having any benches surrounding it. They used ash wood and recycled wood that was in good condition. The materials or tools they used included table saws, chisels, sanders and many other heavier tools that are found in the woodshop. Brenda and the rest of the members in her group hope they can soon establish their creation by one of the buildings at CSULB.

About danielasworldoftrees

Hello Everyone! I am currently a freshman majoring in Child Development and Family Services and plan to eventually becoming something in the medical profession having to do with Children (Pediatrics). I am very fond of meeting new people and forming new connections, so don't be shy. "Everyone and everything is interconnected in this universe. Stay pure of heart and you will see the signs. Follow the signs and you will uncover your destiny." - Jeff.

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